National Codex Committee Meeting
Dr. Lucy Njue and Dr. G.O. Abong' attending National Codex Committee at Kenya Bureau of Standards headquarters on March 2, 2021
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Dr. Lucy Njue and Dr. G.O. Abong' attending National Codex Committee at Kenya Bureau of Standards headquarters on March 2, 2021
The University of Nairobi through the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology (DFSNT) and the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection (PSCP) made a follow up visit and training to Karurumo farmers group in Embu to emphasize on a number of key requirements for value addition of mangoes and other fruits and vegetables.
The University of Nairobi through the visited and trained Masii Horticultural farmers group in Masii on key requirements of product development and value addition of mangoes and other fruits and vegetables. The training focused on the hygienic handling and practices required during processing, actual processing of fruits and vegetables into consumable products such as pulp, nectar, dried crisps and leather as well as storage of processed products.
In conjunction with AFRICIAT and Heifer International, the DFSNT through Dr George Abong’ took part in training of community Based Organizations in Homabay and Migori Counties. The Training was held at the IEBC hall in Homabay county and the main aim was to train trainers who would use the community network in changing behaviours to embrace production and consumption of chicken meat and eggs. Essential nutrition actions, diversification of diets that will have adequate food groups while utilizing locally available foods were key messages.
In conjunction with Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and SUSTALDE Fundacion (Spain), the University of Nairobi through Hortigreen Project led by the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology and Wangari Maathai Institute trained horticultural MSMEs and business intermediaries on sustainable and efficient use of key natural resources (water and electricity) as well as waste management.
The University of Nairobi through the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology (DFSNT) and the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection (PSCP) in conjunction with Purdue University and support from Rockefeller Foundation conducted a training on key requirements for value addition of mangoes and other fruits and vegetables.
The University of Nairobi through the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology (DFSNT) and the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection (PSCP) in conjunction with Purdue University and support from Rockefeller Foundation conducted a training on key requirements for value addition of mangoes and other fruits and vegetables.
In conjunction with Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and private practitioners, the National committee held a workshop with an aim of developing standards to facilitate trade in indigenous chicken that form majority of the poultry production in Kenya. As part of the National technical committee, Dr. Abong chaired a group that worked on code of practice for production, transport, and point of use for indigenous chicken. A draft standard for indigenous chicken was developed as well.
On January 9, 2021, the Pilot plant and processing hub received visitors keen in collaborative research and investment in processing of fresh fruits and vegetables in sustainable manner. Led by the director, centre for advancement, the team discussed key avenues of collaboration and involvement as the team forges ahead with enhancement of profitable ventures of fruits value addition and preservation.
On 8-11 February 2021, the Codex Committee on General Principles held its 1st virtual workshop for its member states as well as observers. Kenya was represented by the members of the National Codex Committee that included among others Dr. George Abong’, a senior lecturer at the DFSNT. During the meeting, aspects of standards development and working through correspondents were discussed. The Kenyan delegation led by Codex contact point (Maryann Kindiki) and Dr.