Latest News & Announcements


The Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology,Staff and students led by the chairman Prof. G.O. Abong' participated in tree planting event that took place on Friday 19, 2024 at The upper Kabete Campus. The chairman encouraged students and staff to make sure they plant 100 trees this year. The University of Nairobi participates in this exercise  in solidarity with the Kenyan Government. The campaign aims at reducing greenhouse emissions, stopping, and reversing deforestation.

70th Graduation Ceremony - University of Nairobi

During the 70th Graduation of the University of Nairobi. The Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology had a total number of Nineteen Graduands from our various Progammes. 1 Phd candidate , 8 MSc in Food Safety and Quality , 1 MSc Food Science and Technology , 5 MSc Applied Human Nutrition and 4 BSc. Food Science and Technology 


In the 2022 / 2023 Full Year Performing Contract the Department of Food Science was the Best overall Unit in the University of Nairobi, The Chairman of the Department  Prof. G.O. Abong' was the overall best reaearcher and the department was also awarded the Best performing teaching Department. 

Feed the future Innovation Lab for Food safety by USAID

Prof. Catherine Kunyanga , Associate Dean Faculty of Agriculture   who is also an Associate  Professor in the Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology visited  Feed the future innovation lab for food safety by USAID - presenting on poultry value chain. Women and youth pay a vital role in the poultry value chain - interventions targeting reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter pathogens should actively engage them and consider roles of gender in this value chains. Annual meeting in Cambodia 13-17th November 2023

A visit to Rector of Perma State Afro-Technological University in Russia

Prof. Catherine Kunyanga the Associate Dean Faculty of Agriculture led a delegation from the faculty of Agriculture to Rector of Perm Sate University Russia . They had aw warm reception and its a  start of great partnership and collaboration 


On October 27, 2023, Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT) hosted a
nutrition awareness day event at their academy hall. The Department of Food Science, Nutrition
and Technology, University of Nairobi was represented by two Food scientist, who accompanied
the students, and 67 students pursuing Food Nutrition and Dietetics  from the department of food science nutrition and technology.
The event aimed to create awareness on all components of nutrition, and its importance in
achieving optimal health.

Registration and Orientation of first years 2023-2024

The university of Nairobi received first years starting September 25, 2023. The freshmen came in large numbers and were welcomed by the Vice chancellor Prof. Stephen Kiama , Deans and chairmen of departements. The department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology received many first years and they were received in the Department by the acting chairman then Dr. Dasel M. Kaindi .

Promoting utilization of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato(OFSP) in Baked products

Promoting utilization of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato(OFSP) in Baked products, Mainly Bread, Chapati,Cakes and Maandazi by replacing 20-30% wheat flour with OFSP which is rich in  β-Carotenes therefore fortifying the final product. Wheat gluten causes allergies and discomforts to many consumers therefore blending with OFSP makes the food more acceptable. Wheat used for baking is mostly imported therefore incorporating OFSP helps to reduce the import bill. Mr.