Latest News & Announcements

Virtual meeting with DFSNT First years

The Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology has so far admitted 80 students in its various programmes. The chairman of the Department Dr. G.O. Abong'. Held a virtual meeting with all the first years and all the members of staff in the Department , all staff were introduced to the students. Those who addressed the students among others were Prof. M.W. Okoth (Food  Process Engineering), Dr.

Post-Harvest losses

The World Food Programme and the University of Nairobi  demonstrate cold storage solutions which keep fruit & vegetables fresh for longer & drying technologies which ensure food is available throughout the year through the shamba shape up TV show in the Citizen TV. Dr. Jane Ambuko  and Dr. G.O.


WHO gives 5g of salt per day as the recommended salt intake by consumers? However, most people consume 9-12g which is on the higher side. Sodium salt consumption has been linked to high blood pressure and hence the need to reduce the consumption of salt by adopting strategies such as less salt inclusion in the diet, avoiding addition of salt while at the table and among other customized methods. Legislation on manufactured food that require clear labelling could help in this goal.

Vice-Chancellor's live address to UoN Community - September 11, 2020

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi Prof. Stephene G. Kiama updates every week or after fortnight  the university  community virtually on what is going on within the University  during this pandemic period .