To be a global leader in training, research, outreach and consultancy services. In areas which include post-harvest handling and value addition of agricultural produce, food bio-processing and technology, food nutrition and dietetics, food safety and quality and natural resource sciences in order to realize sustainable and secure livelihoods.
To pursue, excel and maintain a world-class leadership role in the quest for knowledge by way of quality research, capacity building, consultancy and innovative outreach.This will enable us to contribute to food productivity and safety and secure livelihoods through sustainable value addition and natural resources management.
Core Values
The College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences is committed to realizing its vision and mission. It operates within certain treasured beliefs, which have contributed to its success. The college shall:
- Uphold professionalism and ethics in all its dealings with its stakeholders.
- Be accountable and transparent in all its operations.
- Uphold integrity, honesty and quality in training and all other activities.
- Promote participatory management and effective teamwork in all its activities and operations.
- Promote and maintain linkages with industry, other institutions and alumni.
- Uphold dignity of all members of staff and students.
- Recognize and esteem ideas and innovations.
Strategic Objectives
To train and examine six (5) masters graduates in Food Science, Technology, Human Nutrition and Food Safety and Quality professionals every year.
To review the existing curricula (two BSc and three MSc programmes) every five years and develop new curricula, two new PhD coursework based, that meet the needs and expectations of customers, and make them relevant and adaptable to the changing market needs as the need arises.
To continuously have staff updated on student supervision particularly at postgraduate level, through training organized by the University.
To discover/transmit and preserve knowledge continuously [indicator;20 Publications per year made of each academic members’ contributions] and to organise academic fora.
To participate in workshops/conferences to share scientific knowledge in at least 20 events per year.
To offer outreach and community services to the community once every year and to nurture and create SMEs.
To offer at least one consultancy service per year.
To continuously enhance collaborations and links with other institutions of
higher learning, research and development and the industry by ensuring that in each year there are at least two active collaborations by creating local and international partnership. -
To always manufacture and sell high quality food products; specifically, high quality Dairy products by processing a minimum of 125,000 litres per year, for income generation and to contribute in generation of funds.
To promote environmental sustainability by ensuring proper management of water and energy resources.
To continuously participate in mentoring and training students in leadership and soft-skills.