Innovations in guava value added products

Guava Yorghuts

IP Number: KE/UM/2018/1046

Year obtained: 2019


  1. Mr. Duke Gekonge-PhD Student, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
  2. Dr. George Ooko Abong-Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
  3. Prof. Michael Wandayi Okoth-Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
  4. Prof. Charles Gachuiri-Associate Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition
  5. Prof. Agnes W. Mwang’ombe-Professor, Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection.


Orange Fleshed sweet potato thickened yoghurt

Orange fleshed productOrange fleshed sweet potato

IP Number: KE/UM/2019/1238

Year obtained: 2019


  1. Dr. George Ooko Abong-Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology.
  2. Ms. Truphena Gikaara-MSc Student, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
  3. Dr. Catherine Kunyanga-Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
  4. Dr. Lucy Njue-Lecturer, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology