The above program was launched on Friday, 27th January, 2023 at the 844 Building Hall, Faculty of Agriculture, Upper Kabete Campus, University of Nairobi. The event was hosted by Prof. Catherine Kunyanga, Coordinator, Food Security Center (FSC) and was officially opened by Prof Julius Ogeng’o, Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC), Academic Affairs. The officiation launch was also attended by Prof. Mary Kinoti, Director, Intellectual Property Management Office (IPMO) and Prof. Moses Nyangito, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture. The participants included the University of Nairobi (UoN) Management and Food Security Center (FSC), UoN; the FoodAdvice team including Nikita Dodonov, FoodAdvice project leader; and Patrick Mayabi, FoodAdvice project manager.

The program targeted students from the Faculty of Agriculture (Departments of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology and Agricultural Economics) under the mentorship of Prof. Kunyanga and Faculty of Business & Management Sciences (Business Administration department; Management Science and Project Planning department; Finance and Accounting department) under Dr Duncan Elly; and Faculty of Arts (Department of Library and Information Science) under Dr John Oredo.

The FoodAdvice platform is a partnership engages university students to become food entrepreneurs in Kenya and beyond based on a Collaboration Agreement made on the 17th day of October, 2022 between the University of Nairobi under the Food Security Center (FSC, UON) and Sunny Viev Limited and international entrepreneur from Limassol, Cyprysto collaborate for the common goal of promoting student engagement in food entrepreneurship and product innovations in Kenya and beyond.The platform will provide free learning programs which aim to develop entrepreneurial and soft skills through university and school students, with a focus on Food Security and Agriculture among other related disciplines.


With partnership with FSC, FoodAdvice is committed to help promote student involvement food entrepreneurship through tackling food processing and product innovation matters for commercialization. Collaborating with FoodAdvice changes what’s possible for food makerscombining UoN’sgreatest strengths with theirs creates a product development process fueled by a deep understanding of food science, market savvI, formulation and application expertise, manufacturing know-how, and state-of-the-art predictive modeling. They know the result will respond in a timely and relevant way to the needs and demands of the market, giving consumers exactly what they’re looking for and inspiring brand loyalty in Kenya and globally. The program explores ideas, develop solutions/formulations, solve scale-up and production problems, and overcome distribution challenges. The aim is to produce an all rounded graduate with great entrepreneurship skills who become employment creators as opposed to employment seekers as rightly said by our DVC AA, Prof. Julius Ogeng’o. Click to view