Bakery at the Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology

DFSNT Bakery products

The Departemnt of  Food Science Nutrition and Techonology's unit  Pilot Plant is wholly owned by the University of Nairobi specializing in teaching and research in Food Science, Food Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Safety and Quality.

The Plant is fully equipped to handle demonstrations in all aspects of Food Processing and Engineering and to also carry out production on a Pilot basis in order to sustain its operations. Due to the Changing times and reduction of support from the donors over the years, the University identified the Pilot plant as an Income Generating Unit and Later aligned it to the government Master plan of Development Vision 2030 to create wealth by Value addition. Products available at the plant are Fresh milk, Yorghut, Mala, Cheese, Butter and now they have a new bakery baking bread, cakes and buns. All products at the Pilot Plant are branded "VERSITY" as a brand name.