The Vice Chancellor visit to DFSNT Bakery

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, Prof. Stephen Kiama visited the Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology Bakery. The Chairman of the Department  received the Vice chancellor and  showed him the various products in the bakery e.g. scones, bread, buns and cakes. The VC was happy to have a taste of the products and congratulated the department for the effort made and mentioned that its among the best department in the University because of many research and innovations. 


The University of Nairobi's Student recognition Ceremony was held on May 3rd 2024.  Below are the students who were awarded from the Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology . 

1. Lawrence Mugambi -Research and Publication  award 

2. Mandre Joseph  - Interpreneurship and renovation award

3. Mwarome Jumbale

4. Rhoda Nekesa

5. Gatwiri Lolyne Kaimenyi

6. Awutonde Adeola Omotola

7. Khetia Nandani

Prof. G. O. Abong' and family was among the Prize  Donor's 


The Department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology,Staff and students led by the chairman Prof. G.O. Abong' participated in tree planting event that took place on Friday 19, 2024 at The upper Kabete Campus. The chairman encouraged students and staff to make sure they plant 100 trees this year. The University of Nairobi participates in this exercise  in solidarity with the Kenyan Government. The campaign aims at reducing greenhouse emissions, stopping, and reversing deforestation.